Conditional Styles 7.x-2.2, 2013-07-12 ------------------------------------------ - #580440 by quicksketch: Add support for Downlevel-revealed Conditional Comments Conditional Styles 7.x-2.1, 2012-03-12 -------------------------------------- - #1478242: Weight needed for conditional stylesheets added via drupal_add_css() Conditional Styles 7.x-2.0, 2011-01-18 -------------------------------------- - #1030830: Add tests - #1029696: Update .info syntax to use expression expected by drupal_pre_render_conditional_comments() - #1027844: Port to Drupal 7 Conditional Styles 6.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx -------------------------------------- - When db is down, allow include file to work from within themes (like Zen). Conditional Styles 6.x-1.1, 2009-05-25 -------------------------------------- - #389988 by BWPanda: Add "clear .info cache" reminder to documentation - #337975 by tombigel: Add missing support for RTL languages - Added support for maintenance theme page (pending #454462) Conditional Styles 6.x-1.0, 2008-09-15 -------------------------------------- - Initial release